

隊名:綠色拾跑—AI 保護環境系統
作品:綠色拾跑 - AI 保護環境系統

The product I created with reference to sustainable living is called Plogreen. As Hong Kong is faced with an increasing amount of pollution in the countryside, we are in dire need for a solution. Plogging, an activity combining jogging and picking up trash, is the perfect solution. My app Plogreen, created by MIT app inventor, can facilitate plogging to save the environment, providing a more satisfying experience to country park dwellers. The app consists of an embedded Chatbot giving tips about plogging, a community forum to exchange ideas on environmental protection and most importantly, a plogging tracker which can direct you to much needed plogging locations in Hong Kong. The app comes with other functions too. We hope with Plogreen, a cleaner and satisfying countryside can be created, facilitating sustainable living amongst citizens.